It'll be this, or the camps

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's Here, and the Only Way to Deny It is Denial

Religious persecution is here, and it's global.  And it's even being furthered by those we should expect to be putting a stop to it.  It's not just Catholics, or Christians in general, although the UN said that 90% of victims of religious persecution in the world were Christians of one sort or another.  Attacks on Christians have increased 309% between 2003 and 2010...and the pace is accelerating.  But there are surprising attacks on Jews as well.

Leaving aside the calls for "Israel to wiped from the face of the map" that emanate from the Muslim world, in Germany a Mohol--a rabbi who specializes int he ritual circumcision of infants, a very basic part of Judaism--was arrested for performing the rite.  In Germany, the one nation that should most be aware of the dangers of persecuting a religious minority, he was arrested!  The law against this practice wasn't passed by legislation, but by a District Court judge in Cologne, who decided circumcising boys was unlawful bodily harm.  So, shades of the Nuremberg Laws, a rabbi is arrested fro practicing his faith.

Religious persecution isn't getting talked about.  When the Wall Street Journal runs a column wondering why the pulpits aren't abuzz with the stories that occur weekly, sometimes daily, of religious persecution, you know that there is a problem not being discussed in the press, or the churches.

We don't have to look to the Islamosphere, or even Europe to find it, either.  Right here in the US, in California.  Churches are banned in an area of Temuecula County known as "wine country".  That's some 7,000 acres of privately owned land, and the County is holding hearings to expand it to 18, 990 acres, specifically zoned "no churches".  The vineyard owners told those trying to expand their facilities, or build churches "We don't want your kind out here".

In Little Rock Arkansas, a pro-life demonstration (pro-lifers are widely identified--inaccurately--as exclusively Catholic) was disrupted by an attack July 17th, on one of the protestors.  The attacker used force to prevent them from calling 911, and attacked an American Flag as well.  The attacker approached the demonstrators saying "Praised be Mary", the laid in.

In Chicago a priest was surrounded and harassed by sodomites 'gay rights' activists for praying a rosary publicly in support of Chick-Fil-A's constitutional rights to free speech.

Also in June, the home of of Kieth and Jennifer Mason was vandalized after Newsweek  magazne profiled them.  The are the leaders of a group called Personhood USA. the web site "The Daily Beast" also ran the profile, and the comments section contained many threats and calls for violence.  One reader tracked them down, and vandalized their home.  Also in June, Everett Stadig was assaulted while petitioning for a personhood initiative in Colorado, and ended up with a broken hip.  This is particularly distressing because in an elderly person, a broken hip is often the beginning of a final decline in health.

In Oregon a Judge dismissed a lawsuit claiming that priests were employees of the Vatican, and so the Vatican should pay for priestly misconduct.  Leaving aside the evils of evil priests to concentrate on the case at hand the attorney suing the Vatican said 'It was documented and known by the Vatican, and handled under the 'secret protocols' of 'Vatican mandates'.  (Quotes are mine to offset the parts that struck me)  Secret protocols?  Vatican mandates?  This sounds like the fraudulent "Secret protocol of the Elders of Zion" that was written by Czarist secret police to justify and fuel Pogroms and taken up by the Nazis, and now the Jihadists.  The suit was dismissed by the courts for lack of factual proofs of the plaintiffs claims.  But it will be appealed, and was in fact entertained by the courts.

International Christian Concern is a group that documents and reports acts of persecution on a global basis, and just a quick count of the blurbs on their home page gives reverences of over a dozen acts of major persecution in the last month.  So Where is the News Coverage?  Are CBS, NBC, CNN, BBC Fox and the other major outlets even covering this?  In any depth at all?

No, not really, and that's why it's here, and why it continues.  In the face of documented assaults, vandalism, even the firebombing of a pro-life (and therefore, inaccurately though it be, considered Catholic and Christian event) event there is just silence.  Silence from the press, silence from the pulpits and silence from our government an law enforcement.  The last even goes so far as to point to Christians and Pro-lifers as potential terrorists while they are on the receiving end of hate crimes and terrorism attacks.

So what to do?  This one is the easiest--do not be part of the conspiracy of silence.  Link to this post, read the links in the is post and put them on your Facebook page.  Send them to your pastor, your congressman, the local paper, ask why this isn't covered, why this isn't discussed.  Just don't remain silent, for our lack of information, and our silence when we have it are the greatest asset the persecutors have.

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